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The meaning of a logo:

Looking Global and Pursuing Excellence 

, Derived from the initials "Guanwei" and "Global". Reflecting Guanwei's international perspective, global perspective, and adhering to customer demand orientation; Pursuing excellence, adhering to open cooperation, and continuously creating long-term value for customers.

Strive for self-improvement forever
,Derived from the Book of Changes, "Qian: Heaven is strong, and gentlemen strive for self-improvement.". The logo is simple and harmonious, with a stronger sense of the times, indicating that Guanwei people pursue their dreams, strive for self-improvement, and always strive with a positive and enterprising attitude, continuously innovating around customer needs, providing competitive products and solutions for customers, and facing future opportunities and challenges together.

Core values of Guanwei:

Striving for self-improvement and excellence


Guanwey Positioning:

Focusing on the research and production of explosion-proof digital display meters 


Guanwey mission:

By providing high-quality products and excellent services with international standards, we continuously create long-term value for our customers, promote the development and application of China's Internet of Things technology, and use this to promote the process of agricultural and industrial automation in China, helping to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


Guanwey vision:

Become a respected world-class enterprise in the automation industry!