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China National Petroleum Corporation
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China National Petroleum Corporation

Jinxi Petrochemical Company is a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation, founded in 1939 and resumed production in 1953. There are currently 9651 employees and 62 directly affiliated units, covering an area of 6.4 million square meters with a total asset value of 7.3 billion yuan. There are 19 main refining and chemical facilities, and a crude oil processing capacity of 6.5 million tons per year. Our main products include gasoline, aviation coal, diesel, petroleum coke, etc. We are one of the main producers of gasoline in Beijing IV, Shanghai IV, and Guangdong IV.
Our company's products have achieved performance and quality comparable to or even better than imported instruments. With the continuous improvement of domestic manufacturing and technological level, it is now possible to produce high-quality and high-precision instrument products, which have been widely used in domestic and foreign markets and can be comparable to imported instruments. We pursue higher accuracy, more stable performance, and the ability to completely replace imported instruments. As long as we continuously improve product quality and technological level, strengthen independent research and innovation, to meet the needs of different fields and customers, we can promote the progress and development of domestic instrument technology.



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