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Liaoning Daxiong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
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Liaoning Daxiong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Da Xiong Pharmaceutical was founded in 1945. Establish research institutes, factories, and branch offices in countries such as China, the United States, India, and others. We have 29 companies related to pharmaceuticals, raw materials, cosmetics, and medical machinery in South Korea, making us an international health care enterprise.

Starting from 2013, a professional liquid pharmaceutical production facility and research institute were established in Liaoning Daxiong Pharmaceutical. From research and development to production, with Chinese core talents as the center, operate independently. We are based on our main liquid products and expanding our business through new businesses such as health products and cosmetics.

Liaoning Daxiong not only meets domestic demand in China, but also aims to build an international production base for exporting to South Korea, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and other countries as its development vision, gradually striving to achieve it.


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